Educational podcast on Art-mediation and Inclusion
The podcast invites to conversation the renowned experts in the fields of mediation, art history, community engagement, and inclusion. Tune in!
MeM Impact Evaluation
This report is a study conducted as a part of MeM project impact evaluation. The report is produced to be disseminated to the project partner institutions and relevant organizations.
MeM educational programme
Description of the MeM educational course with the modules on art-mediation, dialogue, art, and social change, the role of art institutions, nonverbal communication, applied theatre, art therapy, storytelling, and many more.
MeMes – thoughts of MeM project participants about the future
This mosaic of thoughts is collectively put together by the participants of the MeM project based in Finland.
MeMes elaborate the MeM project values which are directed towards the future, and opens on what principles the project itself is built.
Memes is a part of Culturafest 2021 produced by the Cultura Foundation.
Learning through doing and exchange
How can we convey mediation and inclusion as concepts not only through the content but also through the design of the programme? The educational activities are seen as a system of human relations. Networking, exchange, and, thus, shared knowledge production might happen along the way.
We see communication as the core part of the programme to ensure that the idea of meaningful participation drives the mediators’ interests and the realisation of the course at all levels.